What makes a good photo?

While editing some images from my recent trip, I am wondering, what makes a good photo. How is it that sometimes we get good photos and other times there are almost none? Number one is the mood. Uplifted, happy, not distracted by lots of thoughts and doubts. Just being happy and confident is the perfect… Continue reading What makes a good photo?

Thinking about the big things – missing out on life | Every Day Photographer

How often I THINK, like really think about my life, my spouse, my choices, my behavior with children, I have no idea where to go, what choices are the right choices. I can spoil my own day thinking over and over again about that one little thing that my mom said yesterday. Often I think… Continue reading Thinking about the big things – missing out on life | Every Day Photographer

Details of one day | Family photographer Columbus Ohio | Family Documentary

Being at a friend’s house is one of the best treats I could think of. My kids are playing with other kids. It alone is pretty fun. Girls get to chat with each other over a cup of delicious coffee and grab something tasty to go along. Besides coffee and homemade tasty treats, the conversation… Continue reading Details of one day | Family photographer Columbus Ohio | Family Documentary